Recently, hubby and I took a day off—shocking, isn’t it—to take a mini road trip in our state. Without realizing it, we hit upon a classic Texas theme. Everything does seem bigger here! Also, we got to see some new places that have just opened up and a few bears along the way. It’s amazing what you can find in your own backyard!

Travel Tip: In preparation for our next big trip, I came up with a checklist of items we need for this excursion. I divide by each person (in the case, just hubby and me) and list their individual needs—favorite brands, special OTC meds and vitamins, what goes in my tote bag, our travel bags, hand sanitizers, and travel size disinfection spray, etc. We scan the list and check off what we already have and highlight what we still need to get and/or pack. It’s simplifying the way we buy supplies for our next vacation. No more last minute late night runs to the store when we land at our destination. We’re prepared and we don’t have to take time to shop (something I don’t like to do normally, least of all on vacation for essential items I can buy at home) before we head out to revisit old favorites or explore new delights.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’re somewhere in travel mode—dreaming up one, planning for the next upcoming one, or on one right now!
Enjoy and happy traveling,